The word ‘Entrepreneur’
is derived from the French word ‘Enterprendre’ meaning to undertake. In fact,
in the 16th century, the Frenchmen who undertook military
expeditions were referred to as ‘Entrepreneurs.’ Later on, in the 18th
century, this term got associated with persons who started their own
enterprises. Richard Cantillon, an Irish man living in France, was the first
economist who introduced the term ‘entrepreneur’ referring to the risk taking
function of establishing a new venture.
Various experts have defined
the term entrepreneur in different words. Some of the definitions are as
According to Collins
Cobuild English Language Dictionary, 1987, “An entrepreneur is a person who
sets up business deals in order to make a profit.”
According to J.B.Say,
“an entrepreneur is the economic agent who unites all means of production”…
Richard Cantillon says,
“All persons engaged in economic activity are entrepreneurs.”
In the words of Quesnary,
“A rich farmer is an entrepreneur who manages and makes his business profitable by his
intelligence and wealth.”
J.A.Schumpeter is of the view
that, “A person who introduces innovative changes is an entrepreneur and he is
integral part of economic growth.”
According to Webster, “Entrepreneur
is one who assumed risk and management of business.”
the word of Walker, “True entrepreneur is one who is endowed with more
than average capacities in the risk of organizing and coordinating various
factors of production.”
Peter Drucker say, “Entrepreneur is one who always searches for
change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity. Innovation is a
specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an
opportunity for different business of service,”
Dewing has rightly put it as follows: “The function of entrepreneur
is one that promotes ideas into business,”
an entrepreneur is always action-oriented. He has the ability to visualise the
necessary steps involved from idea generation to its actualization. He is both
a thinker and doer; planner and worker. He accepts risk and manages it. All the
above definitions portray an entrepreneur as an initiator of action, stimulator
of social economic change and a harnesser of resources.
Source:Entrepreneurship Development by E.Gordon & K.Natarajan
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